Development Site Tree Surveys (BS 5837)
If you have trees on or around the site that you are planning to develop, then the Local Planning Authority (LPA) will specify that a tree survey is under taken that conforms to ‘British Standard 5837:2012 trees in relation to design, demolition and construction’ and a report produced to accompany your application. This information is required to validate a planning application.
GM Tree Consultants have invested in robust hand held electronic devices that combined with sub meter accuracy GPS receivers and laser distancing tools can accurately record all this information and convert this into a detailed scale drawing using the latest Computer Aided Design (CAD) software and Ordnance Survey (OS) mapping, this can be submitted along with a detailed report as part of your planning application.
Initial assessments and recommendations will assist the design team to produce the best layout that minimises any impact on retained trees therefore increasing the chance of a positive outcome upon submission.
The final report will consist of an ‘Arboricultural Impact Assessment and Arboricultural Method Statement’.
Within the report information will be provided on:
• Tree retention and removal recommendations
• Recommended tree management in line with good arboricultural practices.
• Tree protection measures such as fencing and ground protection.
• Engineering solutions to overcome design issues in proximity to the trees.
• Relevant method statements to assist the construction team to work safely around the retained trees.
When the time comes to start the construction process GM Tree Consultants can provide active site management and supervision to comply with any tree related conditions that are imposed by the local authority so that these are adhered to and signed off.
GM Tree Consultants have gained accredited through training and assessment with the Consulting Arborist Society as being proficient in the assessment and production of reports in relation to ‘BS5837:2012 Trees in relation to design, demolition and construction – Recommendations’.